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Showing posts with label art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art. Show all posts

Monday, 16 May 2011


Here are photographs of my unit 2, 5 hour exam. The exam question i chose was 'Contrasting Materials' and then i brought in recycled materials inspired by the work of Janet Cooper, i am happy with my design and am looking forward to my final AS grade! :) 

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

A level Examssss

I am currently smack bang in the middle of doign my a levels! dosnt help that i bloody took 5 subjects! ive had to work so hard this year so that i can only do 3 a levels next year so i can work extra hard on them!

Other news...
i cant believe osama biladen has been killed!
i wrote a status saying...
Obama: i got 99 problems but binladen aint 1

my phone contract runs out soon! i have a nokia express music touch screen phone with unlimited texts and 400 minutes and unlimited internet, its has been a really good phone but i cant wait to get the i phone 4. i am saving up my moniesss and sellin gmy ipod to get it hahah :)