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Showing posts with label decor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label decor. Show all posts

Monday, 18 April 2011

Room Decoration **in progress!**

the easter holidays have finally came around! which means after waitingg sooo many years i now have time to decorate my bedroom to destroy the grose, vile discusting pink walls!

i decided to change my very stained not-so-cream-anymore carpet for dark oak flooring whith ivory cream walls with white borders, floral curtains and green as a bold contrasting colour...

My dog Ruby wasn't much help in the process of decoration!...

Monday, 12 July 2010

Summer sun, how i love you!

well its been a lovely weekend in the Midlands but the coming week has started with miserable rain :(
ive attached a photograph of me in my new maxi dress :) Im standing by what im guessing was an old petrol pump of some sort that is now used as decor on a roadside near my house. Anyway i think the pictures pretty cool.
Come back sun so i can wear my dress again!